Saraswatarishta, also known as Saraswatarishtam, is a Ayurvedic formulation which is named after the Hindu goddess Sarswathi. Prepared with  potential herbal plants, Saraswatharishta enhances intellect, memory, attention and focus. The medicine is  effective in the treatment of central nervous system problems like dementia, psychomotor retardation, and speech defects. Saraswatharishtam also aids in the treatment of acute anxiety, weariness, sleeplessness, partial memory loss, reduced grasping power, slurred speech, and other symptoms.

Why is Saraswatharishtam prepared in a golden vessel?

Saraswatharishtam is made in a gold vessel or an earthen jar with gold added to it. The original composition recommends utilising gold during preparation for best health advantages in many mental and neurological disorders. 

Is Saraswatarishta made with gold or not?

Sarswatharishta is available in both forms – with gold and without gold. Due to the high cost of Saraswatarishtam with gold, pharmacies have begun to prepare Saraswatarishtam without it. 

What is the uses and benefits of Saraswatharishtam with gold?

Saraswatarishta provides numerous health benefits related to neurological conditions. It is an excellent brain tonic which lowers the risk of memory loss and dysfunction of the immune system. Saraswatharishtam with gold also increases memory, attention span, concentration, intelligence, mental stamina ,fights from stress and mental fatigue . In Ayurvedic classics, it is explained that Saraswatharishtam is beneficial in treatment of conditions like depression, insomnia, anxiety, ADHD, loss of desire to eat, restlessness & vertigo.

Which company Saraswatarishta is best?

Saraswatharishtam is  combination of herbal plants that are medhya rasayana, immune boosters, adaptogens and excellent cognitive enhancers. At Sitaram Ayurveda, we prepare the medicine with best specification following all the quality assuring measures. Sitaram Saraswatharishtam is considered best among the market varieties. It has brought us remarkable feedbacks in treating various neurological condition and paediatric cases. 

What are the ingredients in Saraswatarishta? 

Brahmi, Shatavari, Vidarikhanda, Hareetaki, Usheera, Shunti, Ajamoda, Dhataki, Nirgundi, Pippali, Trivrut, Lavanga, Vacha, Kushta, Ashwagandha, Vibhitaki, Guduchi, Ela, Vidanga, Twak, and Gold leaf

Saraswatharishtam for babies & children

Yes, Saraswatarishtam can be administered to children. Due to it rich Rasayana property, Saraswatarishtam  shows a positive role in improving the intellectual and memory boosting ability in children. The medicine also efficiently treats the delayed milestones or cognitive impairments in children. Sarawatharishtam in combination with other medicines support the mental functioning and growth in babies. It is always best to seek medical advice, before starting the medicine. 

When should we take Saraswatharishtam?

Saraswatharishtam can be consumed twice daily after food with equal quantity of water.

What is the dosage of saraswatharishtam gold?

According to Ayurvedic textbooks, the dosage is 4 ml with equal amount of water twice daily, for Saraswatarishtam with gold. However, depending upon the condition and patient’s strength 3 to 12 ml can be advised in divided doses.