Not exactly a vacation, right? Many of us cringe when the home office is integrated into everyday life since it implies working at home, dining at home, and sleeping at home. In this post, we will discuss the ways to live and work at home without the ceiling caving in on your head!

To all parents: attempting to balance work, personal, leisure time, and family life under one roof is a difficult job for which we have a lot of respect. Stay positive, keep fighting, and we wish you the best of luck. AT24 loves to provide you with any assistance we can, sharing these tips and offering home and leisure products in London.

Tip #1 Maintain a regular work schedule.

Get a solid night’s sleep, then get up and start working? That isn’t the greatest way to begin a productive day, as some of you may have already discovered.

Those who are now employed at home but have yet to get acclimated to the new possibilities should want to operate in the same way as before. That implies being on time for appointments every week, adhering to the typical breaks – as well as finishing things on time (and turning off the laptop).

Tip #2 Stay active

Get out of bed and start working from the couch? That sounds appealing, but don’t do it! Keep in mind that most of us require time to wake up properly and mentally prepare for the day before we go to work.

You can save both time and money by not traveling to and from work, but you should remain active. Set an alarm that reminds you to get up every 1-2 hours: Get the mail on the stairs instead of using the elevator, water the plants, or hang laundry out to dry rather than dry it in the machine, etc.

Tip#3 Avoid comforts

Would you like to wear sweatpants to work? Of course, they’re more comfortable! However, if you believe you can work efficiently at home in a baggy style without sacrificing time, you are mistaken.

According to studies, showering, grooming oneself, applying cosmetics, and putting on appropriate clothing has a stronger beneficial impact on productivity than one might assume, especially when it comes to convincing consumers on the phone – unfortunately, this also applies to the 50/50 rule (Nobody is interested in what we wear outside the screen).

Tip#4 Arrange your working environment

Keeping family, leisure time, and work separate is a difficult task. It is critical to set up a workspace to be able to work without interruption. To do so, select a peaceful location.

It’s a good idea to put anything that might cause or divert you at work away, such as your overdue bills, because the adage “out of sight, out of mind” applies here. Instead, fill the windowsill with brand-new flowers to create an uplifting work environment.

Tip#5 Remember to have a break

Taking breaks between your work hours is a must if you want to get through the day productively. Taking rest periods is critical for recharging your batteries.

It’s easy to forget to take a break at the home office since you can’t spend time with coworkers or go for lunch in the sun during normal coffee breaks.

Set up an alarm, for example, that reminds you to take a deep breath regularly. Also, be sure to intentionally appreciate your leisure by leaving your job and not thinking about it. In the spring, you may get up and go for a stroll or sit on your balcony and sip coffee.

Furthermore, home office breaks are good for completing minor routine chores like hanging laundry, removing trash, and cleaning the dishwasher. You will not only get your circulation going, but you will also gain much-needed free time in the evening.


Even if you take into account all of the suggestions and apply them correctly, your attitude will ultimately determine whether or not it works for you. In the end, working from home is no different than going to work in an office; you’re just doing it from the comfort of your own home. As a result, the day in the home office should be planned and carried out similarly to that of a workday at the office.